Tuesday, February 22, 2011

styling class: week 6, post 3

For the last part of our assignment this week, we are to choose three photos that we really like to represent indefinable styles: high fashion, street style, and eclectic.  I'll really try to limit myself to three this time, since I can't afford to use up much time on this assignment for the sake of my other grades and actually enjoying spring break.

High Fashion

So, I cheated a little bit - this isn't exactly high fashion on the street, but where better to spot high fashion than in magazine spreads?  I love this photo in Ceci magazine featuring Han Ji Hye.  The intricate details of the vest combined with the frilly but not frissy details of the dress really draws attention to the clothes themselves.  I love how it is casually balanced with a pair of ordinary sandals.  I need more of this casual/dressy mixing in my life.

Street Style

One of my favorite street style photos of all time, brought to you by Copenhagen Streetstyle.  I've never seen such wonderful subtle pattern and color mixing in my life.  And something about those plum boots.  I tend to dress in this silhouette quite a bit, but her mixing of accessories make me want to reconsider how I approach putting items together.


Susie Bubble, sometimes crazy, sometimes genius - but most definitely embodies eclectic style.  I like how every piece she has on seems to tell a story - and  I know that I personally worry too much over putting all statement pieces together.  Maybe it's the subdued colors or the way the patterns go together, but this is certainly what I consider eclectic style at its finest.

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